What software is there to make a program?

Can someone tell me what software there is for this. (NOTE:no VB visual c++)
I have learned some c++ and want to create a sample program if im running windows vista.

Thank you,

I have learned some c++
How you managed this without using a compiler is beyond me.
I read a book that taught me.
Well, but how do you know if you understood it right if you never ever compiled any of your code? Also, most people won't remember things if they don't do them often.
The "software" used for making a program out of C++ is called a compiler. There are many compilers available and you will need one of these to create your program. One such compiler is one that you've already sort of mentioned. MS Visual C++. If used correctly (while starting off), it will turn your c++ file into a *.exe file which can be used to run your program.
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