I have to convert a decimal number (1-255) to packed binary-coded decimal.
I have the idea of how it's supposed to work.
Convert 133 to BCD
1. Separate 133 to individual numbers (1, 3, 3).
2. Convert each number to binary (0001, 0011, 0011).
3. Print it in the form of "133 - 0001 0011 0011".
However, I'm struggling how to get the number separation and whatnot.
I'm just really confused how to program this.
Also, the decimal numbers have to be in 3 values, (eg; 4 has to be 004)
Because the result to BCD should be 0000 0000 0100, rather than just 0100.
If someone can help me with some C++ algorithm or snippet of code with some explanation, I would really appreciate it.