I was wondering what the specific circumstances one would use for, while, and do/while loops? I'm reading my text and they seem to do the same thing, just in different ways. Thanks!
i think it's a question of taste ....... although there is little difference between while and do while .... " while " checks the condition and then enters in body of cycle but " do while " does body of cycle and then checks condition
they do the same thing but there is one BIG difference from side of usability .... in for cycle you do i++ and don't care for changing argument then ........ but in while or do while you must change " i " in the body of cycle .... but very often you forget about it and your cycle will be endless .... it is uncomfortable .... if you must change your " i " only by adding 1, i recommend you to use for cycle
I agree with @LBEaston.
Use a 'for' loop when you want to read/modify every item in the array/container.
If you're planning to break out of the loop early, for example once you've found something, it might be better to use a 'do...while' or a 'while'.
That way you're minimizing use of the 'break' statement which is generally considered good style. For example see section '4.24 Flow Control Structures' of the JSF C++ coding standards.
Also if you're keeping track of two indices, I think a '(do...)while' loop is much more readable, as in this string-reversal code:
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constchar* s1 = "Here is a string...";
char s2[ strlen(s1) + 1 ];
int from = strlen(s1) - 1;
int to = 0;
s2[to] = s1[from];
} while ( from >= 0 );
s2[to] = '\0';
That way you're minimizing use of the 'break' statement which is generally considered good style
It is? I use break and return all the time in loops. I think it make code more readable.
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//linear search
template <typename T>
int find( T *arr, T &trg, int size, int index = 0) { //We need an array, target, size, and possibly a starting point
for( ; index < size; index++ ) //Loop trough each index in [index, size)
if( arr[index] == trg ) //Check if the target is in the array at this index
return index; //If it is, we're done! Return the current index
webJose wrote:
Mathhead200's answer contains an error:
while (b) { ... }
is NOT the same as
do { ... } while (b)
That's not what I said. Why did you chop up my code block, it was 4 lines long. What I said was:
Mathhead200 wrote:
1 2 3 4
do { ...; } while( b );
//is the same as
while( b ) { ...; }
Scope may differ...
I was inferring that all of the "...;" were the same statement (or block of statements.) Sorry if I was unclear.
keineahnung wrote:
That way you're minimizing use of the 'break' statement which is generally considered good style
It is?
AV Rule 191 (MISRA Rule 58)
The break statement shall not be used (except to terminate the cases of a switch statement). Exception: The break statement may be used to “break” out of a single loop provided the
alternative would obscure or otherwise significantly complicate the control logic.
No offense, @Mathhead200, but these guys put fighter jets in the sky (and keep them up there ;). If they say you should go careful with break, I'm inclined to take note.
"The break statement may be used to "break" out of a single loop provided the
alternative would obscure or otherwise significantly complicate the control logic."
- www2.research.att.com/~bs/JSF-AV-rules.pdf
Kinda' what I meant...
Standards within a group of programmers are very important. Enforcing them on other just because you want them to write code like you, eh... I stand by my "clean" use of break and return.