Baby steps!

#include <iostream>
using namespace hello;

cout << "Coming from Python background, and I need someone to shoot in my leg !!";

Thanks to all this great tutorials and articles here, now I feel more comfort with C++, but C++ Syn#$X_es still weird and alien to me, as I never think about memory management or data types or pointers in Python, so I can write everything at speed of thought, unlike C++!

Reading a Python script is not much different than reading marvel comics, but you can see tears in my eyes after reading 20 lines of C++ code! (...and win32api makes me crying.)

Anyway, here is the main unsigned problem...

I can't understand 'The Structure' of a C++ program!
probably, I understand details as I'm familiar with programming concepts like headers, function, class, if, else, while, do, for, loop, object etc.
but I can't understand the whole structure of a C++ program, like how things connected together!. I need something like Mind-Map to explain the structure of a C++ program for me, not details.

I read this:
But this is too simple as I'm in chapter 11 and need more advanced tutorials,

for example a Tutorial to show me how to write a calculator or notepad with detailed comments and descriptions would be great (before I shoot myself right in the forehead!)

Sorry for language :)
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If you want to understand it fully, I would say get a book on C++ and it will explain everything you need to know... Just skip the topics you already understand and read everything else...

for tips and exercises:
Thank you Undeclared for link and tip,

I don't have much patience for reading books, so I preferred quick manuals to transit my Python and Javascript knowledge into C++.
Actually, I love C++ more than Python, because C++ let me understand truth meaning of everything, unlike Python. (compare C++ to Manual vehicle and Python to Automatic vehicle)

The more I work with C++, The more I fall in love with it, this language look TERRIBLE at first, but now I enjoy it more than ever! :)
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C++ is indeed a very interesting language. Wish you best of luck with it :)
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