Recently I have the chance to be a technician. I need to replace my PC power supply so from there I learn more on the internal. Power supply, cables, floppy drive, DVD drive, CD-ROM drive, memory chip, graphics card, etc etc.

Frankly speaking it isn't as hard as programming but the hardest part is getting the PC BIOS to correctly detect those hardwares you plug them in to the motherboard. I have the 1 hour frustration why my monitor never show anything until I go in and push deeper the graphics card into the slot and viola my monitor show! Such a simple issue to mis-look isn't it? Make me feel stupid for a while.

Then later trouble-shoot is it my monitor faulty or graphics card faulty. Need to try combination with other working PC plug in out cables to determine which component is faulty. Another time-consuming affair.

Now I better appreciate those fix up their own PC can be pretty time-consuming. Not to mention my fingers are "stained" with all those screws and "electronic smells" :P
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