in the "Cut" of my menu.
but if I have more than one textbox how do I go about this, do i have to put all their names in the click event of the cut menu?
If designing a GUI in C++/C is anything like Java, I would assume you would need a class to manage all the click events. And that class would be over the whole window housing the text-boxes. So depending on which text box gets clicked, the name of that text box should be sent to the click manager. I wouldn't really know how to code that because I use WYSIWYG editors for making a GUI, once I finished my Java class in college.
I hope that at least helps or at least gives your question a nice bump on the forum.
hmm ok thanks for the tip, to clarify a little more, i was kinda hoping i could be about to replace "textBox1" with the "active" textbox instead of hard-coding it