How to name a program?

I'm kinda an idiot, I was wondering how to give a program it's own name, as in the top of the window would say (I'm too lazy to make up a name)
And how exactly do you propose we provide you a suitable name without knowing what the application does??????

I guess this reinforces your hypothesis. :-S hehe
No, I Don't NEED a name, I need to know HOW to name it no matter what I call the file, the window just says the files directory
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What kind of UI are you using??
Ah, I see. So let's apply your hypothesis about you on me, partially at least.

Still, it is up to you and what your program does. Usually the main window exhibits the application's commercial name, such as "Microsoft Word". Others show dynamic information, like IE: "MSDN Blogs - Internet Explorer", etc. Look around. You'll find tons of examples in the applications you use everyday.
At the very top of my window, it says "How to name a program?" on the window, he is asking what code puts that there.
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