explain - switch statments, please

I have read about them, beginning to understand them I think :L

However seeing a few different explanations should help.

I would like to monitor my progress, for motivation and all :L

No programming experience before other than very limited Bash on ubuntu.

I feel I have a command of;


basic functions - calling, declaring, defining, variables, global variables, function parameters, returns, defaults, parameters, overloading, in lines functions.

operations - statements, operators, pre-post, fix operators, precedence, relational operators, IF and ELSE, logical operators.

variables and constants - types, assignment, enumerated constants

and I am learning about looping, which is truly hell on earth xD

Spent about 15-19 hours over the last to days on this, how well am i doing?

Totally unanswerable I know, but for my poor brains sake, give it a go.


sorry so long.

I don't know if I can tell you something that is not written there..
the title tells you all. switch statments
closed account (1vRz3TCk)
Go and read the link that hamsterman posted, it explains the switch expression well. If you still have questions after, you can then ask them with a frame of reference that we can all see (i.e. that link).
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