Extending Classes: Overriding methods
Jul 26, 2011 at 3:17am
I have two classes.
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class Account {
string* owner;
int accNum;
double value;
double tax;
double inflation;
Account(string, double, double, double);
~ Account();
string* toString();
void updateValue(double);
bool isValue(double);
double getValue();
string* getCurrency();
class Bond : public Account {
double intRate;
Bond(string, double, double, double);
void updateValue(double);
I'm trying to override the method updateValue in account at the bond level but if i do this:
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vector<Account> accounts;
accounts.push_back(Bond("Bond", 1000, 0.1, 0.15))
The call in line 3 will just call the Account method, and that doesn't really do anything. How do i get this to work as I expect?
Lastly here's my Bond::updateValue(double) method:
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void Bond::updateValue(double yearsIn) {
while(yearsIn > 0) {
double i = value * intRate;
double pen = (value + i) * inflation;
double gain = i - pen;
if(yearsIn < 1) {
gain *= yearsIn;
value += gain;
Jul 26, 2011 at 8:12am
Jul 26, 2011 at 11:20am
Will need to access your object through a pointer or reference too.
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