visual 2005 issues (win 7, windows.h file missing)

Long story short I have to use visual studio 2005 to launch several projects but the issue is that system dependent files like "windows.h" but I can get header files like iostream.

How do I setup paths to these files in windows 7 when using visual studio 2005?
Why in the world would you use VS2005 ?
The first sentence is missing something. Do you want to say that #include <iostream> works and #include <windows.h> doesn't ?
Do you actually have the headers you need ? If you don't the only way to get them I know is to download Platform SDK though it's kind of big. I wonder if there are alternatives..
When you do have the headers, open project properties and look for 'Additional Include Directories' or something similar..
yes exactly, #include <windows.h> doesn't, but where can i find the platform SDKs on Microsoft.
has anybody experienced this issue before?
thanks so much, you guys are life savers
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