Noob here, semi lack of knowledge.

Looking for someone hard out interested in helping me learn more about C++, make some miscellaneous programs etc etc.

Sort of partnership, i guess it would be better if you weren't that much more knowledgable than me however If you feel you're up to the challenge of teaching me.

Go for it.
What exactly do you want? For people to write programs to teach you? If yes tutorials will teach you skills and give you programs and may be better but that may work. What sort of programs though, where are you up to?
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Oh god, well in all honesty i've barely any idea anymore I only just gathered an interest again, after learning about integers mathematic equations, doubles, if else. etc.

Basically need to start from the beginning again i guess.

More than anything i really want someone who could be some sort of mentor as well as partner eventually.
So like hello world:

using namespace std;

int main (){
cout<<"Hello World!"<<endl;

_getch ()
return 0;


would output this

Hello World!

/* these are comments, they are not actual code and do nothing other than help organise and explain code, these comments can span numerous lines*/

// these comments can only span one line

#include<iostream> Allows for cout, cin, cerr and clog as well as others, it overloads anything in the iostream library (That was what I was told, I am sure some more advaced programmers can correct me but that is all you really need to know)

#include<conio.h> Is from C, it allows _getch () in this instance

using namespace std; Essentially says that we are using the std namespace, I would do a little research into that if I were you. The other options is to use std::cout<<"Hello World!"<<std::endl; or to declare every one like this:
using std::cout;
using std::endl;

int main () Makes a main function that returns type int (or so I am told), that is why at the end we have return 0; The moment all of the main functions code is over the program ends.

cout<<"Hello World!"<<endl; Prints "Hello World!" on to the out put and ends the line.

_getch () Waits for input so that the program does not close near immediately, without waiting for the keypress the code would be over befor you could even manage to read the output. It is also a way of inputting text in C.

Or do you know all of that and I wasted alot of time?
You should read up on the primitives of the language on your own and ask when you need help.

Read it a couple of times, only takes less than a day.
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