Turn off std out?

I'm wanting to write a program that syncs files between two different folders on my computer. What I'm planing to do is to use the System("batch command") function. Now you may ask why would I make a c++ program and not just a batch file. Well the answer is I want to be completely oblivious when said program runs. My worry is that if I use the all the system command a command window will pop up just like it currently does w/ my batch files. Is there anyway I can stop this?
I can only speak for Windows. If you are in Linux/Mac/other, disregard my comment.

I say yes: Don't use sytem() and instead code everything in C++ in a GUI program (that shows no GUI).
Ok maybe this is irrelevant, or maybe just my own problem. My experience with GUIs is VERY limited most of what I've done has been in java, and I definitely used netbeans very extensively I.e. made the gui with a gui generator, so If i were to take the gui option, is there any material that could get me started? Because just saying if I do that I might as well just go all the way and do it right.
Qt is good?
I don't know what IDE do you use but there should always be an option to create a project without console (like Win32 project with VC++). There the GUI would take place if you want it otherwise nothing will be seen.

EDIT: Yes QT is quite good
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The CreateProcess() WinAPI function gives you the option of whether or not to display the new process's window... I don't think I've ever tried to do what you are doing though...

Hmm, come to think of it, I do think I have something useful that I snagged of the net some time ago though...

' Use this script to execute a batch file invisibly (without the command
' window appearing):
'   wscript invis.vbs my.bat
CreateObject("Wscript.Shell").Run """" & WScript.Arguments(0) & """", 0, False 

Hope this helps.
Can I re-route cout to say a string stream?
If you use a VBScript, you can re-route output, but then you cannot hide the console window. Is either one or the other. :-S

To make a C++ app with no console, just create a Win32 executable with a WinMain() entry point that doesn't create any Windows. You can then use CreateProcess() to launch whatever and you can use named or anonymous pipes to re-route the output, error and input streams.
webJose +1
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