Creating a GUI

Alright, I've literally spent every night for the last week trying to find a GUI library to use or trying to get one to work and nothing has come of it but a lot of wasted time and frustration. Nothing is working for me. Does anybody know of a way to create a GUI in Visual C++ or Visual Studio that is at least relatively simple?
Thanks in advance.
Microsoft's Visual Studio toolset is specifically designed to make it easy to create GUIs. You might also want to spend some time reading some Win32 tutorials.

There are also some libraries that make it really easy to write GUIs in Windows, if you can accept a little restriction in how fancy you get.

Personally, I've found things like wxWidgets and FLTK to be a little intimidating to get into, so I don't really recommend starting with them...

Another option is to use Tcl/Tk to generate your GUI, and have it interact with your program behind the scenes. Google around "Expect" for more.

Good luck!
For big companies who sell desktop Windows software, they actually have dedicated positions just to develop GUI so you can see how important GUI is to them. However for companies that uses Web-based, it is all about HTML,CSS,Javascript or Adobe Flex etc.

But having meddle with VC++ in my early days, I would recommend MFC for the GUI stuff to cut down development times. But now year 2011, is MFC still 'alive'? Are they still relevant in current Web and mobile arena ?

I believe they are still relevant but the market is shrinking. Only major players are still at it while newer start-ups have turned to Web and mobile based technologies instead.

PS above does not apply to desktop Windows games though.
I wouldn't waste my time learning MFC unless you have to.
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closed account (z05DSL3A)
I wouldn't waste my time learning MFC unless you have to.

Do tell, why not?
Also is windows.h worth looking into or starting with or should I start with something else?
Hmm, age and personal preference I suppose....

Sorry. :-S
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