Books to read after completing tutorial pdf

Hi guys,

I am almost done reading the tutorial... I want your suggestions on buying a good book that gives me good knowledge on more topics in detail that werent covered in the tutorial.pdf along with some good programming exercises. Some guys suggested C++ Programming Language, The (3rd Edition), Bjarne Stroustrup book but this is very advanced.

I am looking for an intermediate level book which has good programming exercises. I want to finish this book and prepare algorithms and start searching for jobs... so kindly help me.

I came across this book but I am not sure how it will be: C++ Primer Plus (5th Edition) Stephen Prata (Author)

Thanks in advance.
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It takes about 1-2 days to read. Well it did for me on the bus, I read it back to front over and over until I remembered more-or-less the fundamentals of C++.

That was a perfect document to read for just the core language, without any real examples. I applied what I read to how it could be used in a container inventory, that helped a lot.

After that I just applied what I had learn and looked up those areas which I was touchy on. Nothing is better than experience. Experiment and have a project to work on, improve with things.. None of the other books really did anything for me, the tut on this site was perfect, although some explanations could be better described.
Turbine, which book are you talking about? how did you get a project to work on?
You can get a project of your own.

I'm sure theres something you do on a daily basis that really annoys you and can possibly be achieved automatically by writing a c++ program.

Take this for example:

When you hipotetically download music albums from the internet, it always come with some l33t h4x0r names before and after the song name. What if you made a program that scans your music library and changes the song names by removing the l33t h4x0r names, leaving just the songs name?

My point is, you don't need someone to give a project for you to work on. I'm sure your imagination can find really interesting projects.
thanks, can you suggest a book to read after reading tutorial pdf?
Well a few days ago I'd suggest "C++ without fear", but the OOP part is full of errors and bad implementations as I seem to have problems even with code copied from the book.

I'd seen many time people, suggesting "C++ Primer - 4th edition", although I haven't really touched it..

I've seen good critics on effective c++ as well.
c++ primer plus is easier to read then c++ primer. so i would suggest if you go that route read a little into primer and if its still to hard pick up primer plus. they got weird almost backwards like names but thats the way it is. they are both rather large books. so it covers everything.

What do you think of Effective C++?

I already have some backgrounds on classes and polymorphism..
I picked up Effective c++ third edition a couple of weeks ago but I still havent looked at it. Ive been spending to much time going over material and experimenting with what im going over to get to it. IM going to keep reviewing maerial ive read a t least a couple weeks longer to really solidify it into my brain.
I'll probably pick it up next week, it's already on my e-book. I'll give it a go, I'm just afraid that it might be to advanced for me, but I shall find out soon enough...
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