Hello all! I really need help! x)

Hello all, i'm alexandrji and I found this website for the obvious reasons.

I need some help, here's the deal.

I want to make a browser game (if needed, I'll start just by the offline and single player to simplify) and i've got some questions.

First, is C++ the best programming language for this?
I've been searching around and found a lot of different opinions.
In my opinion, even being harder and more complex than most, I think C++ is strong and a good choice for what I want.

Another question that I have is how will I be able to integrate the game database with the visual of the website? Will all be written in C++? Images and the layout, how will I be able to combine those two?

I expect the game to be "simple".

When you make an action, you can either succeed, or fail, and it will be conditioned by the player's level, goods and rate of success.

Do you understand the basics of the game? I know I have some long and hard months of work just to learn the language, and than when mastered, to program.

I have basic knowledge of HTML to the website, and a really primary knowledge of C++ (I can't even consider that I know C++, I just understand the concept).

So, based on this, I would really appreciate any help you guys could give me, I really would like to try this, once I have plenty of time and I'm a really curious guy in this area :)

Thank you a lot! alexandrji
You cannot make browser games with C++.
You basically have to choose between Java and Flash.

However, if the game doesn't need to be playable inside a browser, C++ is generally a good choice.
Humm, so, even to do a text game I have to choose between those? That's why I couldn't find in my head how could it be possible to integrate the visual (and its programming) with the database.

Probably the best is Java right?

Thank you a lot, I appreciate!
Java would be easier to learn if you know C++, and then later you can learn C# which is a hybrid of the two. ActionScript is a scripting language, so unlike Java and C++, it is not typesafe.
Hummm, but I've been reading some articles about C++ and its basics, now I'm learning Java.

I understand the mechanism of the language, what I just have to work on is the actions and executions, which is everything in programing, but with time I think i'll be there.

So, a question remains, with Java can I make my game? :)

I need to control both the database and the visual of the game. The visual is really easy and intuitive to me, the hardest thing is to program, which I never learnt...

Thank you both or your time!
You can make games by the use of c++;
use alegro for the designs..
then code it..
don't you know that c++ has graphics?
C++ does not have any inbuilt support for graphics. If it did, it would not be able to run on operating systems that do not have graphics cards or dsiaplays, etc. The operating may provide a way to deal with graphics on screen (ie windows programming) and libraries will often greatly simplify the process, but the C++ language does not have any support for this.
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