I`m 2 years in for CompSci major,and thinking about leaning toward AI.
I want to do a project this summed and program a robot in C++ or Java.
What would you recommend for beginner? What robot kit?
In my robotics class we've used the Vex Robotics Design System (which is a bit expensive) and software such as EasyC/RobotC (in the C programming language), and we've also used the Lego MINDSTORMS NXT Brick with the Lego Design System, again with RobotC. I'm the lead programmer for all the teams that go to competitions so I know most of the programming related stuff. I haven't used any other design systems, but other users and Google can help you find them.
I'm almost on the 3rd year of CS in Automatics and Robotics and I started looking into doing some project by myself for now. Vex is really expensive, Lego price is better and the plus is, u can use it with MS Robot Dev Soft. I however chose arduino platform. On ebay you can get a mC for less than $20, couple motors, motor drivers, couple sensors are also very cheap. You can use C to program it. It will get u started. I was thinking about Nxt but then I got slammed at school and abondoned the project for now.
Robot kits are practical and will get you started faster, but theres nothing like building you're own from scratch.
For under 100$ I bought an arduino (Uno, the new one.), a chassis and tank tracks set plus two twin motors, an IR distance sensor and H-BRIDGE. That's all you need to build a wall avoiding robot. From there on, it's up to your imagination.
Arduino is programmed in C (they call it something else but it's nothing more than C with some libraries of their own), it is usb programmable and open source.
Also it's beginner friendly and I say this because I'm a beginner myself. ;)
I would recommend the lego kits. I wanted to do robots(still do) and while researching, I heard a lot of talk about lego ones.
eidge sounds good too. Building your own seems really cool and just diving into that subject versus the kits.