Just getting started, keep going back to square 1.

Hey Guys, I'm new and I'm Failing Hard. Pleased to meet everyone here.

I got a lot of respect for the people who can stick to learning c++ with the fierce devotion and diligence as one who does it for a career.

I'll be quite frank. I am hardly a motivated person, and when I go to learn c++ lessons, my head gets hot, I swear, start chewing my nails and I take frequent breaks, forgetting what I had read before each break, maybe it's cause I suck at math or suck at my speaking language and c++ gets compared to math and language so much, I don't really know, it's just real stressful for me to stick to it.

I need a structured environment but I just can't go to a class to do this.

I want to learn so I can make a game, perhaps I am expecting to learn too fast and trying to remember everything at once without even writing a line of code to test my methods and what I am remembering.

Sometimes when I write notes, I look at them and I am like "These notes don't even make sense to me anymore," no matter how in depth i jot them down, or I forget what to do when I begin coding.

Naturally, I am an artist, I am spontaneous, I just go with the flow of the moment, and C++ seems almost against my grain, I feel like I did in 6th grade when I didn't want to do my homework.

I really desire to learn but it's really breaking me down, because everything I have attempted to do before, I figured it out, no sweat. But C++ For me is like pulling nails. I know where I want to be, making PC game programming, and I am at level 0 pretty much.

I would really like to know what keeps you guys going, how you keep yourselves busy with c++ and keep learning and lock all this knowledge in your brain, it's starting to remind me of my algebra class when I just couldn't get a formula in my head.

How do you guys do what you do? What was your c++ journey. Might help me if I can relate to some of your stories of basically how you got to where you are.

Well, C++ (and most programming in general), is very much logical, structured, and at least somewhat related to math. So I dunno, maybe you just aren't cut out for it? :/

As for how I learn, I just keep looking it up and using it and eventually it sticks.
Understanding comes with practice. Trying to learn a language without writing any code is much harder. Here's a few exercises you may want to try: http://www.cplusplus.com/articles/N6vU7k9E/
Another issue is that C++ is not a very beginner friendly language. You may want to try switching to something like Python. There would be less dealing with mechanics of how computers work. Though the core concepts like functions, ifs, loops differ mostly in syntax, so you wouldn't really need to relearn what you have learned.
A good way to learn would be to try out every thing you learn practically. Think of a program that will use the concept you have just learnt. That makes remembering these things a lot easier.
I just keep thinking about how cool ill be when i can make money off games at like 16(I'm 14 now). I know I probably wont be making money of games by then, but something in the back of my head says there is still hope. It took me 10 months just to learn all about console programming. Now im learning the Windows API and after that im going to learn OpenGL.
There are some areas that all people seem to have trouble with in the language. so just go slow. understand a concept before moving on. Ive been doing it on and off for long time and I still cant remember the syntax for every overloaded operator that you can use. so my advice is understand each piece you read as you go. dont move on until you do. Practice as you learn. If you learning functions from a book change the name of the function. change different aspect of it like the return values. anything is better then just reading and no doing. In the end even if it takes you 3 weeks to grasp a single concept of programming its one thing thing down and you move onto the next. One less thing you have to learn in the end.
Thanks everyone for the posts, it's great to be learning with all of you :)

I have asperger's syndrome and meditating really helps for me. I've developed a learning plan for myself.

My learning track:
Read and note down what you learn in your own language in terms you understand and as you learn more and do more, re-read what you learned before and see if you can make your notes more precise and technical, yet easily understood by you.

It is important I do not become too eager or excited when learning or my mind will wander, so I meditate, just listening to what I read, not comparing what I learn to anything or getting ahead of where I am in fantasy land, cause it can easily disempower me from learning. I have never willingly taken on learning something the way one learns programming, it is very different from what I am used to, but it's making me a stronger person too, just by sticking to this learning, and I think I will be making beautiful creations one day :)

I am 19, and am going to devote myself to studying c++ as long as it takes for me to get into game programming! I feel good about it now. =]

Firedraco, I learned a bit about myself from your post, things have been sticking but I am just getting so wrapped up in wanting to know it all that I don't stop and look at where I am.

Hamsterman, thanks for that exercises links, you really helped me out there bud! I am studying according to that exercise order blitz made, very great resource! I condisered python, but I checked out this resource and oh man it makes things so simple, I'll try to stick with it, thanks again!

Nisheeth, it will be exciting to crate programs that use what I learn, that's a good technique you mentioned! The great exercises hamsterman linked are along those lines. Wouldn't it be cool to make a dungeon crawl or like a text based rpg and include everything you learn. I saw a stone soup dungeon crawl that looked kinda cool, wanted to make something like that!

Nano511, you are on the road to glory man, I can tell you will have a good future in programming at your rate. What did you learn most about console programming? I'm very proud of what you have done at 14. I was into game programming around 14 too, but I never could stick to learning, but I was doing graphic work and hosted a server which I had no clue how to program for this mmorpg I had going with a team of friends, it was with Director Mx 2004.

Acorn, very sound advice, I really appreciate it, I am using your learning process, hope you don't mind ;J. This technique really helps me ground myself. I feel like I can do it now, I just gotta stick to it, and I am actually enjoying it =p Will be cool being a part of this community. I just gotta figure out how to run my new compiler now and I'll be taking action from learning >:D.

Thanks a lot guys, I am no longer Failing Hard. lol. Hope we can all keep in touch cause you all rock.
thanks guys, these tips will be helpful to me as well! this site totally rocks!!
I'm learning C++ too.
what I do is:
1. read a section in the book
2. type codes (type type type... I believe that's the key)
3. while typing, put a lot of comments. like;

int stack::pop(){
	if(tos == 0){
		cout << "stack is empty\n";
		return 0; //you have to return an int, can't just write "return;"
	return stck[tos]; //return the top element
	//here, we don't delete the element, 
	//just decrease tos. 
	//element still occupies memory
	//but it's okay, cause the SIZE is fixed. 
	//the array is NOT a dynamic array. so it's okay to keep the element.

the reason I put many comments, it makes me think. in general, when I read something, I think I got it, but I actually don't. if I can explain it to somebody or myself, then it's okay., then I got it.

4. if I can't get it from the book, go online, find other explanations, code examples, and do type them.
5. in general, I can't stop myself chaning the original code in the book. I type the whole thing, run it, then, "hmm, what happens if I change this section like that.." I make lots of changes, play around, try to understand more, and have fun too.
6. if I feel tired, I give a break. walk around, go to supermarket etc. fresh air helps me a lot. walking couple blocks too.

7. I think the most important one, make some examples on up my own and try to make it work :)
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