Hello, I am having trouble completing this code on Long_Distance Calls, i'll post
the code i have done so far
/*A long-distance carrier charges the following rates for the telephone calls:
Starting Time of Call Rate per Minute
00:00 - 06:59 0.12
07:00 - 19:00 0.55
19:01 - 23:59 0.35
Write a program that asks for the starting time and the number of minutes of the call,
and displays the charges. The program should ask for the time to be entered as a floating-
point number in the form HH.MM. For example, 07:00 hours will be entered as
07.00, and 16:28 hours will be entered as 16.28.
Input Validation: The program should not accept times that are greater than 23:59.
Also, no number whose last two digits are greater than 59 should be accepted. Hint:
Assuming num is a floating-point variable, the following expression will give you its
fractional part:
num - static_cast<int>(num) */
[code]#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
int main()
double time,
cout << setprecision(2) << fixed;
cout << " What is the time? " << endl;
cout << " Enter the time in this format: HH.MM, HH is hours and \n";
cout << " MM is minutes: ";
cin >> time;
if(time < 00.00 || time > 23.59)
cout << " Please enter a time between 00.00 hours and 23.59 hours." << endl;
return 0;
//time - static_cast<int>(time);
/*if(time > 59)
cout << " The minutes in HH.MM cannot exceed 59." << endl;
return 0;
} */
cout << "\n How many minutes was your call? ";
cin >> minutes;
cout << " I will display the charges depending on when the call was made\n";
cout << " and how many minutes the call was." << endl;
if(time >= 00.00 && time <= 06.59)
rate = 0.12;
cout << " The rate of the starting time of call is " << rate << "." << endl;
else if(time >= 07.00 && time <= 19.00)
rate = 0.55;
cout << " The rate of the starting time of call is " << rate << "." << endl;
else if(time >= 19.01 && time <= 23.59)
rate = 0.35;
cout << " The rate of the starting time of call is " << rate << "." << endl;
return 0;
} |
[/code]I am have a problem with the statement of not accepting the last two digits in the time to not exceed 59, please help