the user is supposed to enter a bottom number within range and a top number within range. The program works great if entering within range or outside of range. The questions or problem I have is if the user enters a number smaller on the top than the bottom:
bottom 4
top 2
it jumps to the end where my last output is. Does anyone know how to fix that top number condition?
using std::cout;
using std::cin;
int main()
int bottom, top;
int guess, wrong=0,correct=0, total=0;
float percentage=0;
cout<< "Enter the bottom end of the range (from -100 to 100): ";
cin >> bottom;
if(bottom < -100 || bottom > 100)
while(bottom < -100 || bottom > 100)
cout << "Out of range \n";
cout<< "Enter the bottom end of the range (from -100 to 100): ";
cin >> bottom;
cout<< "\nEnter the top end of the range (from -100 to 100): ";
cin >> top;
if(top < -100 || top > 100)
while(top < -100 || top > 100)
cout << "Out of range \n";
cout<< "\nEnter the top end of the range (from -100 to 100): ";
cin >> top;
for (int a=bottom; a<=top; a++)
for (int b=bottom; b<=top; b++)
cout << "\n\nWhat is ? " << a << " * " << b << " = ";
cin >> guess;
if (guess==a*b)
cout << " \n\ncorrect \n\n";
cout << " \n\nSorry, the correct answer for "<<a<<" * "<<b<< " is "<<a*b<<"\n\n";
++ total;