Save function not working properly
Jun 28, 2011 at 1:53am UTC
My save function seems to have a logic error. The problem is that instead of saving all the objects in the vector, it only saves the last one. Here is the Function:
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void Manager::Save(std::ofstream& outFile)
outFile << "First Name = " << mFirstName << endl;
outFile << "Last Name = " << mLastName << endl;
outFile << "Salary = " << mSalary << endl;
outFile << "MPW = " << mMeetingsPerWeek << endl;
outFile << "VPY = " << mVacationDaysPerYear << endl;
outFile << endl;
and here is the code it is called in:
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for (int i = 0; i < database.size(); i++)
std::ofstream outFile("Employee Database.txt" );
break ;
Jun 28, 2011 at 1:54am UTC
When you open the ofstream repeatedly like that, are you sure it isn't wiping the file? I'd suggest just opening the file once outside of the loop.
Jun 28, 2011 at 1:58am UTC
Oh thanks that was it!
Jun 28, 2011 at 8:47pm UTC
This a very effective way I save files.
#include <iostream>
#include "MySavedData.cpp" //this loads the file so you can recover the values
int main()
char FirstName[] = "Enter First Name";
char LastName[] = "Enter Last Name";
//this puts the data on the *.cpp file
ofstream SaveFile; ("MySavedData.cpp");
SaveFile << "char[12] FName = \"" << FirstName << "\";" << endl;
SaveFile << "char[12] LName = \"" << LastName << "\";" << endl;
//Loads Values
cout << "Your first name is:\t" << FName << endl;
cout << "Your last name is:\t" << FName << endl;
return 0;
But first, make sure the
MySavedData.cpp file exist.
Good Luck
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