First time poster here. I used the search function to find a do/while loop to make my Tic Tac Toe game loop until the user's wanted to quite. I can not get it to work though. Check my code if you could and thank you!
Basically at the end of the game where it asks if you want to play again and you enter "y" or "Y" it returns the Thanks for playing and never loops. I took the return 0 and put it in the if (playAgain = N) statement trying to get it to work. Having it out of the loop does the same thing, Y ends the game. I also tried the (playAgain == Y ) and it does the same thing as well. Any other thoughts? Thanks!
Now I feel incompetent. It was the 'N' and 'Y' that I was missing. I moved the return o back out of the if statement and it's working! Now if I could get my board to reset that would be great. Thanks for the help everyone!