arg directory of csv. parse, repeat

Hello, I am working on a script (ok so i just gave away that i mostly use perl) and would like some guidance, its been years since in took c++201 in college.

The basics:

Process.out /home/files

This will pass the directory of csv files to the application.

The csv files are comma delimited but contain diffarent data types, Whast the best approach for this?


The directory has ~100 files and each file has 2500 lines. Would it be best to readin a single file do the nessescary arithmatic on the ints and the print output. From there I could thread it?

The second part requires that the first string (A1 for example) will call a corresponding model. This model will then process the passed ints and the output will be written.

I am thinking reading a file into an array is fastest but i am unsure about how to go about that with mixed var types.

any help would be greatly appreciatated.

Just curious, but what made you post this in the "beginners" section? IMO, this may be better to post in the "Jobs" section because with that many files and entries and the complexity that you're hinting at I can just about guarentee this is for some kind of business which would mean you're crowd sourcing.

Because you want to use threads (are you sure? this may cause a race condition, we would need more detail to determine if this is the best course of action) AND because you're asking the OS for the names of the files in the target directory you either need to use Boost (General C++) or a platform specific API (Please repost in the relavent one).
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