What book should i use to learn C++

Hi, i want to learn C++ and i have some knowledge of it. I am wondering what book i should use to learn C++ "Sam's teach yourself C++ in one hour a day", "Thinking in C++", or any other GREAT books you know. I want to be fluent in C++. If you can help me please do.

I highly suggest this book: http://www.amazon.com/Beginning-Through-Game-Programming-Second/dp/1598633600

I used it and I'm not half bad at programming. This will give you a basic understanding, from flow to pointers and from classes to polymorphism. After that you might want to check out: http://www.amazon.com/Beginning-Game-Programming-Michael-Morrison/dp/0672326590/ref=pd_sim_b_1

You could probably start the second book without finishing the first, but then you would miss out on key elements of C++.
I suggest either "The C++ Programming Language" or the "C++ Primer" as a first book.
It mainly depends on your preferences. Stroustroup doesn't follow the path many other books take. He exposes you to exceptions (what some lesser books might consider an "advanced" feature best left for later) for the first time on page 29 of the book - and to put that into perspective, the first "hello world" example is on page 46. He packs a lot of information into the book and sometimes you have to take care that you don't miss important information in something that looked like an offhand comment.
So it depends on your style of learning - if you like to be thrown into cold water and do some swimming attempts early on, this could be the right book for you. It also helps if you've had some prior experience in another language, as Stroustroup kinda just assumes that you know what a stack is etc.

As opposed to that, the C++ Primer takes a more "traditional" approach, but it will also teach you about the concepts you need to know early on.

Whichever you choose, the next step should probably be "Effective C++" and then "Exceptional C++".
Check this thread as well:
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