Graphics Linker

Friends In my PC the c++ software is creating a problem named
Linker error

the program written in c++ file became successfully compiled but in execution it shows an error listed above "Linker error" it usually take place when i write the program using graphics it means linker can't find out the path of linking so plz help me how to link graphics in the c++ file.
I am providing the code check yourself and plz tell me


void main()
int d,m;
initgraph(&d, &m, "C:\\TC\\BGI");
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You need to make sure your linker can find static libraries/import libraries as you say. Make sure you either provide full paths to linked libraries or add the directory to your linker search directories.

If you tell us your IDE and the details of the linker error, we might be able to provide more specific help.
hmmm thnx i will provide
Oh, and this shouldn't be in the articles section ;) I suggest you move it to "Beginner".
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