"The C++ Standard Library: A Tutorial and Reference

I'm wondering if anyone can tell me
if this book "The C++ Standard Library : Tutorial and Reference" would be worth my time if I've already read through the book "C++ Primer 3rd Edition".

By reading the presentations of the books on sites that sell them, the first book seems to basically cover the same ground as "C++ Primer", but perhaps in less detail.
I'm mainly looking into buying "The C++ Standard Library : Tutorial and Reference" to get a good grasp of the STL.
Would that be a good idea, even though I've read "C++ Primer"?
Thanks :)
if you're just getting a reference, get "the c++ programming language"
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I'm looking for a book that explains how to use them well, not just references (wouldn't the internet be a better pure reference than any book?).
I found Josuttis' book really quite helpful; it's more than just a reference to (a big piece of) the standard library, as it contains lots of example usage and here and there an illuminating discussion of various points. It lives on my desk at work and is the first place I go to for standard library information, even though the magical internet is right there on my desk next to it.

I've never opened a copy of "The C++ Primer"; if it covers the STL with a solid listing of the most useful classes' functions, then there's probably not much point getting Josuttis as well.
+1 Moschops
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