Negative 2 and 1 star amazon reviews for every C++ book. Unsure on which one is a helpful book to read.

I would really like to read a good C++ book, but every book on C++ Amazon seems to have negative reviews. That really confuses me, because I'm not sure which book to get. Can you tell me weather or not the reviewers give valid complaints about the following books? Also, what books would you recommend out of the books listed.





Books are more expensive than online tutorials, so do the books contain valuable information not found online? If not, what are some online tutorials you would recommend.

This is more of a windows question, but is Windows 95 Programming in 21 days good?
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You're not really going to trust Amazon reviewers to that level are you? Stroustrup's book is great, as MOST of the reviews state. There will always be a few 1 star reviews at Amazon. Unless those reviews indicate something that would be specifically bad for you personally, I would just trust the other 90% that reviewed it positively.
Wouldn't a book on programming for Windows 95 be horrifically outdated?
h3432 :Wouldn't a book on programming for Windows 95 be horrifically outdated?

Maybe, but the book Programming Windows by Charles Petzold(windows reference recommended for beginners-intermediate )was made in '98, so that's not a whole lot better. Windows via C/C++ was made in 2007, but that book is recommended for intermediate-advanced Windows programmers. Currently, I can only buy an outdated beginners book or up-to-date advanced book. Is there a book on Windows programming that is both up-to-date and for beginners?
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