Making my first game.

I want to try and make a game this summer. I just want to make a simple game, nothing fancy, but I don't really know where to start. I have a fairly good handle on c++, what sort of programs and tools would you suggest for what I want to do?
Edit: They also need to be free, I'm not rolling in cash right now.
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I don't think platformers are that simple, but ok...

above all, you need
A) Graphics
B) Sound
C) Input

for a game... well, and other than that also an idea of what you're going to do.
Create a text based adventure or MUD. (Multi User Domain / Dungeon)
This will help you learn as you go for bigger more complicated projects.

You could also do a text based board game such as checkers or chess.

I always enjoyed text because you can focus more on implementation than third party libraries.

Have fun :)
So would you suggest using visual studio and just using ASCII graphics.

SFML, it will provide the api you will need.
Yes the SFML is what I was looking for. Thanks.
at above: A text based adventure isn't any easier than other games, if anything it's less intuitive.
Create something like a very simplistic version of the original Zelda (walk around with top-down view, stab/shoot enemies), or something like a vertical shooter like space invaders and the like.

Those are good beginner games because they touch on lots of common areas of gamedev, but they do so in a very lightweight and easy to manage way. Nothing is really overwhelming.

I also heard that making a tetris clone is a good starter program because it also involves lots of common gamedev concepts.

A simple/stupid RPG is another option.

Platformers are more difficult as they involve heavier physics and much trickier collision detection. In fact I'd go so far as to say platformers are one of the hardest (if not the hardest) genre.
This isn't really C++, but its a handy tool for making games... and i think you can intergrate c++ on the standard edition...

Its called "GameMaker 8.1" made by a company called yoyogames... a bit childish.. but with complex features...
Well if we are just posting other game making languages... I have used this one for awhile:
dude, get into the opensource stuff..... it's like twenty times better, and on top of that, it is more general and elegant. So when you go commercial, you have a better understanding than you would vice versa.

Some opensource things used for games (all free... all "could" cost an arm and a leg.)

blender( one i just found out about today compared to its counterpart that's 3 grand to use)
sfml ( graphics libraries for game very nice)
sdl (graphicslibraries that can be used for games)
Allegro(graphicslibraries that can be used for games)

There's a lot more.
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Neither SFML, nor SDL nor Allegro are graphics API's.
soz, somewhat new...
Neither SFML, nor SDL nor Allegro are graphics API's.

Yeah they are?
If we were to get ourselves entangled with technicalities, then technically SFML, and SDL are multimedia APIs and Allegro is a game creation library. :/

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