So, I have been self teaching C++ for quite a while now and have just reached the OOP chapter in my book. (The last topic I learned and practiced was arrays/vectors). My question to anyone who is familiar and comfortable with OOP is when did you feel like you were ready to start learning it? Also, any suggestions before I dive into it??
OOP is really more like a mindset :D
You'll learn to think about programming a lot differently!
At first, I didn't see any use in it (stupid me! :D), but when you get comfortable with it you'll find out it is an essential tool to easen programming :)
I learned it also just after I saw vectors so you should be good.
I remeber the moment I fell into the OOP mindset (very good way of it xander333). It was the first time I went to a certain site to learn SDL, the code itself was pretty far a head of where I was at the time so I just copied it verbatum and after each chapter I looked up the functions used in it.
Then a day or two later I was looking at another one of my projects and I noticed that I was having the hardest time reading it. Some of the functions were taking three or four different arguments, weren't returning to the variables I intended them to, temp variables were casting to the wrong data types it was a complete mess. After scrapping and rewritting that bit of code I never looked back.