* Method: fillConcavities
* Takes a polygon and fills all of the concave areas
BWTA::Polygon ExampleAIModule::fillConcavities(BWTA::Polygon subject) {
BWTA::Polygon result = subject;
Position midPoint;
int changes = 0;
int between, second;
// For each Vertex on the Current Polygon
for(int i = 0; i < result.size(); i++) {
if(i == result.size() - 2) {
between = result.size() - 1;
second = 0;
} elseif(i == result.size() - 1) {
between = 0;
second = 1;
} else {
between = i + 1;
second = i + 2;
midPoint = Position((subject[i].x() + subject[second].x())/2, (subject[i].y() + subject[second].y())/2);
// Draw a line from current vertex to the vertex 2 over and check if it
// passes through the current polygon. If it doesn't, fill that area.
if(subject.isInside(midPoint) == false) {
result.erase(result.begin() + between);
if(changes > 0) {
return fillConcavities(result);
} else {
return result;
A BWTA::Polygon is a vector of Positions. In this code i'm essentially taking a polygon, iterating through all of its vertexes, comparing each vertex with the vertex two spots further. If the line drawn between those vertexes is not inside the polygon being manipulated, I delete the vertex between them (filling the concave area). Each time a concave area is filled the changes is incremented. At the end of the method, if any changes were made, it recursively calls itself again.
I believe the issue lies within the fact that I use .erase() within the for loop, which utilizes the .size() of the vector. However, I tried to plan around that so it would still function.