Dijkstra's algorithm with an 2d-array

Hi there!
For the past few days I've tried to implement this algorithm. This far I've managed to make my 2d array and insert the distances between nodes, a function to remove a path between nodes and a function that tells me if there is a path between two nodes.
Now I would like to implement a function that returns the shortest path from node A to node B. I know how dijkstras algorithm works and I've read the pseudo code on wiki without being able to write any code my self. I'm really stuck here.

I've been thinking about how the code should look like and what should happen thats why I've made that function that tells me if theres a path between two nodes. Do I need any more help functions which would make implementing of dijkstras easier?

For now I have only 3 nodes but the code I would like to write needs to work in general for n nodes.

Any kind of help is appreciated.
It would be helpful if you show how your code is working for the moment
// Noddie
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