So for my computer science class, we have to write a C++ graphics program to display the Mandelbrot Set... I have no idea even where to start with this thing. This is my first CompSci class ever and this is WAY over my head. Please, is there anyone that can give me a hand here??? Thank you!!
Sorry I didnt make it clear before, we had a bunch of earlier assignments that had functions and other stuff like that in them, but nothing that has ever had to do with graphics. I am using Quincy.. i know it isnt the best, but our professor wants us to use it. I have seen the mandelbrot set before, and I have read about it on wiki n what not, but I have no clue where to go. This is kinda of an independent study project for part of my class. Sorry I am so all over the place with this!
Alas, I am not familiar with Quincy and it doesn't seem to make anything automatic for you. It will take me a little time to figure it out. You might want to try modifying one of their example projects.
All you really need to do is draw colored points to the window when you calculate your Mandelbrot.
The two tricks are to get Quincy to compile you a windowed program that you can draw points to, and to calculate the mandelbrot set (in an interruptible way).