Project Ideas?

I have taken C++ programming class covering basics/fundamentals from input/output , looping, functions/arguments, arrays, sorting and searching, dyn allocating arrays, structures, objects and classes.

for a bonus assignment we can make a program that incorporates some of the things that we have learned.

It's supposed to be on something that I am interested in.
I'm interested in fishing, asphalt construction, and farming, etc.

maybe you guys have some good ideas that i could turn into a project, if you get a chance?
Thanks, bigfisherman
How about a program that predicts the tasks that need to be taken to successfully plant something and finally harvest it. Example: I know nothing about farming, but I could be interested in doing some in a small scale, let's say a small property. Coffee, for example. I want to know the type of seed best for my climate, the fertilizer type to use (10-30-10, or whatever), the frequency I need to fertilize, the pesticides to use and when, and the time required for the crops to be ready.

So: Input: Coffee, tropical wheather. Output: You can choose X or Y seed, need to plant it in plough terrain using X number of seeds separated Y inches from each other, fertilize every Z weeks and you'll have coffee beans after YY years.

You can do polymorphism: class Seed, class CoffeeSeed, class ArabicaCoffeeSeed, etc.
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