Removing a Member of a Csprite List

What I am trying to do is to make a member of the CSprite list in a wall vanish or disappear when it ishit by a ball. I have latched onto the .clear in the hope that this is what will help.

1. Please help me determine how to specify the clear. func to erase only the part of the wall that was hit.

2. If the clear func is not right, please give me the alternative.

Code will be provided if neccasry info on the program is needed.

bool bWallBrick = false;
for each (CSprite *pSprite in theWall)

if (pSprite->HitTest(ball.GetX(), ball.GetY())) bWallBrick = true;

if (bWallBrick)
theWall.clear() // In itss current state it will remove the whole wall.

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