Any good SDL tutorials?

Well I've been studying C++ about a month and a half now and I have a pretty solid understanding of many different things (classes, pointers, references, arrays, strings, variable types, polymorphism (somewhat), recursive functions, function overloading, etc.)

Now that I've learned as much as I have, I am beginning to get bored of doing nothing but console programs. I want to evolve into working on small graphical programs so that I can start working on my passion, which is video game development.

I think SDL is the best way to start going about this and wanted to know if anyone had any great tutorials they could refer me too. I've already got the library installed and have done a basic hello world program, but I want a solid great tutorial to get me started on fully understanding how to use the library.

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I recommend you try SFML, it's a lot easier to work with, and more modern.

As for SDL, you could have a look at these tutorials:
Thanks a lot, I would definitely prefer to work with something easier to use and more modern! Do you have any good tutorial links for SFML?
@cristi121: that's rather subjective. I find SDL much easier to work with...

@TheNoobie: The SFML site has some great tutorials!
Thanks, I saw there were some tutorials on the site but wasn't sure if they were good or not - I'll check them out. The main reason right now that I'm more interested in learning SFML than SDL is because every game I saw that was coded in SDL (I checked out over 20) were all very old looking games, like mid 90s graphics (also none of them were really fun in my opinion.)

The first two SFML games I checked out on the message boards were a lot of fun and really pretty graphics. Though obviously the fun part is just an opinion, it looks like SFML has a lot more potential for great games than SDL! Anyway, thanks again for the info.
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Well that's all about the programmer, not especially the library =)

I suppose you saw my.unfinished.project?
@ultifinitus: Well, I didn't tell him to pick SFML, I just recommended trying it so he can make his own choice.

@TheNoobie: The tutorials on the SFML site are very good and enough to get you started.
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@TheNoobie You should definitely look at the tutorials on the site. I haven't read all of them, but they basically go through the library comprehensively with examples etc. Only problem is that they are for 1.6, and you should really be using 2.0 by now in my opinion. Well if I were you I would get started with those tutorials anyway, and then bridge the gap between 1.6 and 2.0 with the doxygen documentation, also available on the site.

If you are still interested in SDL, there are some great SDL tutorials at ;)

EDIT: I'm not too sure about the differences, but SDL has a C style interface, whereas SFML has a very definitely C++ interface. Also, SFML handles a lot of the cleanup operations for you during destruction, which is non essential, but nice!
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Thanks! I'll check it out.
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