I have a question about sorting data with 2 out of 3 fields in a array.
2 25 1000
4 10 1230
1 12 1540
2 5 1200
4 5 1250
Basically I want to cout this to:
1 12 1540
2 5 1200
2 25 1000
4 5 1250
4 10 1230
Can someone give me an example so that I can work it to my actual numbers? I searched around in the forum and internet but the only thing I can find is sorting one of the columns.
I need to sort the first column, then while keeping the order of the first column, descend the second column. Third column does not need to be in any order, but I just need to show it.
Also I cant use structures or classes. I can only use one array.
The sort would probally be selection sort. But I only know how to sort one column. I would do it under a for loop with a x+1 as the test section, and then update my counter while couting what I am testing. But I just cant wrap my head around doing two. I am thinking it is a nested for loop within. But I cant think of trick to do it. My brain is spoiled by excel.
If you want to do a selection sort you need to use a nested for loop which has O(n2) complexity.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
for( int i = 0; i < height; i++)
for( int j = 0; j < width; j++)
if(myArray[i][j] < myArray[0][0])
// This function swaps the cell in position i and j, with the first cell i.e. myArray[0][0]
swapCells(i, j);