I followed the following instructions after downloading QuantLib-1.0.1.tar.gz
1. saved the .tar.gz file in C:\cygwin\home\BA (this is my ~ directory when I open cygwin)
2. entered the following command:
$ tar -xvzf QuantLib-1.0.1.tar.gz
3. cd QuantLib-1.0.1
4. then to run, I entered:
$./configure --enable-static --with-boost-include=/opt/local/include/ --with-boost-lib=/opt/local/lib/ --prefix=/opt/local/
and it ran and returned to ~/QuantLib-1.0.1
5. cd ..
6. I tried to compile a test program which included
#include <ql/quantlib.hpp>
using namespace QuantLib;
and I get an error stating ql/quantlib.hpp: No such file or directory
(I already have boost from the latest download of cygwin and when I run a test program for boost it works)
Can anyone please help me fix this problem so I can include QuantLib.
Are the relative paths that you listed in your configuration line accurate? If I'm reading this correctly you're telling the compiler that quantlib.hpp is in the directory "C:\cygwin\home\BA\opt\local\include\ql"
hi Computergeek01
thanks for your response.
you're right- it seems like i am giving the relative path wrong bcoz quantlib.hpp is in the directory
given that, should I re-run the configuration as follows:
$./configure --enable-static --with-boost-include=/QuantLib-1.0.1/ --with-boost-lib=/QuantLib-1.0.1/