Hi !
everybody out there
i write a very simple c code which is following:
int main()
int a,b,s,m,d;
int a =20;
int b =40;
printf("\n the sum of given no. = %d\nThe product of given no. = %d\nThe division of given no = %d",s,m,d);
return 0;
the name of the file is exp.c
than i write the following code:
int sum( int x ,int y)
int z;
return z;
i saved it as sum.c
than i write the following code :
int mul( int z ,int u)
int v ;
return v;
save it as mul.c
than i write the following code
int div (int a, int b)
{ int f;
return f;
save it as div .c
now my problem is that i want to use all file as a single project.
i want exp.c use the function defined in mul.c,div.c,sum.c
i want to know how to do this?
how to make library form mul.c,div.c,sum.c?
how to associate these library with exp.c ?
can any body explain me the detail process of making project ?
i 'm using ubuntu as my operating system. please help me