C++ and apples SDK?

Hi all

As someone might know i am new to C++ :) i started about a week ago and so far i've only been writing some console applications as my book indicates that while i learn the language.

I was redirected to using SFML from Disch on these forums, and so far had no luck as i feel in way over my head, cant make heads nor tails in any of it :P

My "prime" current goal is creating a simple RPG based game, may it be text or with graphics, containing a level system / combat / quest / item systems.

My "ultimate" goal is to create Apple applications using their SDK for iphone / ipad.

I was wondering if the c++ language is used in apples SDK? ultimately, should i just jump right into the action and start the app making right away? or stick to my console applications and my ever so painfull SFML brick wall head smashing?

thanks for taking ur time to read, i've already asked for a lot of these forum and no ones been rude for this :) not the kind of community im used to, so thank you all!
I think you need to learn Objective C for that... don't really know never program for Mac's stuff.

Take some pressure off and make an action-based game instead of an RPG. I know from the experience of making a console RPG that they are incredibly hard to make. You need to design a huge object structure that understands how to store data for everything you'd need in the game and even a simple non-realistic RPG requires some great effort.

Make a platformer or a scroller first, don't try and learn how to make an RPG and learn SFML at the same time.

If I were you I would create a simple RPG in a console format first. This way you create the necessary classes, deal with inheritance, and must implement all kinds of checks using loops, etcetera. The good thing about this is that later, when you create the game using graphics, you can use these datastructures without making many changes :)
Acr console RPGs and Graphical RPGs are very different. I'm sure Disch would tell you so.
is objective c very far from c++? i mean, for all they contain a "c" both of em ;)

an action-based game? stuff like snake, icy tower etc? and do you mean by making it in sfml veltas?

Thanks for your input all :)
Example of Objective C code: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Objective-C

Veltas: I'm sure he would also tell you that you can use the class definitions, inheritance structures, and many more elements without too much conversion :)
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seerex, From the link Acr provided you'll see they look similar but there are many great differences in how they work.

Acr: I only say so because I read him say so in an earlier post (but can't find it, sorry).

I don't believe that's the case Acr, since anything graphical would be event driven and anything in the console would be menu driven, so the object systems used would be riddled with differences. I suppose that most of it would look similar, but I'd use one as a guide to create the other, rather than trying to build around a copy.
Thanks a lot for your answers. I already have a book teaching me objective C, but will i have a smoother approach if i learn some C++ first? and well ultimately, can i learn both at the same time or will i just be confused? :P

Thanks for ur inputs!
"I suppose that most of it would look similar, but I'd use one as a guide to create the other, rather than trying to build around a copy."
This, of course, is true.

I have no experience with Objective C so I can't give you an experience based answer.
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Acr I was talking about the class system for the RPG, regardless of the language.
Veltas, no need to defend here. I agree that games are largely event-based. Still there's no need to throw your whole class system away; If an event occurs, say, the user presses the space bar, the event could call the Player.jump() method, for instance. I largely agree with your insightful remarks. Let's end discussion to prevent thread hijacking.
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