Whats the difference

is there any difference between:


closed account (3hM2Nwbp)
Yes, while(true) is valid, do(;;) is not. Were you meaning for(;;)?

while(true) { } and for(;;) { } will accomplish the same thing.

If you meant
while(true) { }
do { } while(true);

Then there is still a difference. The first is a top-driven loop while the second is a bottom-driven loop. The bottom-driven loop is guaranteed to execute the loop body at least one time.
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yeah ops, my bad. thanks for correcting me
while(true) evaluates a runtime constant over and over, where as for(;;) doesn't, but I don't know if that makes a difference. In fact, even that possible minute difference will probably be optimized out by the compiler.
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so it does not matter what one i use?
closed account (3hM2Nwbp)
It's a matter of style, while(true) { } looks a little cleaner than for(;;) { } in my humblest of opinions. Verbosity in code usually lends a hand to third parties trying to understand it.
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thanks, i guess it's what your used to. Thanks for your opinion regarding my issue.
yeah you can also use

it will have the same effect. just dont forget to use break so you dont get stuck in the loops :)
yeah cheers i've learnt loops the hard way lol :)
...that possible minute difference will probably be optimized out by the compiler.
i.e. They should behave exactly the same.

I like to use while(true) { ... } also Luc Lieber.
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