I use a map_iterator.lowerbound to find a value.
If I have the next 'first' values
map_iterator= mymap.lower_bound(1); gives me 1
map_iterator= mymap.lower_bound(2); gives me 7
I compare 2 and 7 and decide to use '2' (so I have to decrease 1 unit )
My question is :
Can I decrease my iterator 1 unit?
How can I know the 'index' of the iterator so use in mymap in this way :
mymap[index]. (That is to say how to translate from iterator to 'natural' index )
I ask mysefl....
The index is it->first .
And I cas use it++; or advance()
map iterators support operator++ (both forms) for incrementation and operator-- (both forms) for decrementation.
In addition, std::advance( iter, n ) supports forward iterators in an optimal fashion (random access iterators support operator+( n ) directly, so std::advance() will use that if the iterator supports it, otherwise will use a loop and operator++).