What, according to those of you experienced in QT, would be the best way to begin learning QT?..Hand Coding or using the designer for everything ?..Also How much can the designer do before I have to fall back to code ?
I'm not experienced in QT, however after having made tons of applications without it, I would say just jump right in to the designer. It's useful and will speed up coding immensely.
I am just starting out with Qt myself. Using the form + widgets in Qt designer and then using slots and signals (i.e. programming what your buttons, text boxes, etc. do when you use them) is obviously easier than coding everything from scratch using the editor. But I think knowing how to do both will be beneficial, so that you can quickly generate applications as well as understand how the libraries work within your applications.
I also found these tutorials (there are 67 so far), which I find are quite good for the beginner: