I know that we shouldn't post homework problems but this problem is the only homework question i need to do to get an A in my C++ class Please help me out.
Write a C++ program to create a dictionary of words from English dictionary as a lexicographical linked list. Each node in this linked list is a structure that contains, the word (the key for lexicographical ordering), and an indefinite number of the words characterizations as follows:
For the word conceal, Merriam-Webster Dictionary has the following entry
Definition of CONCEAL
transitive verb
1: to prevent disclosure or recognition of <conceal the truth>
2: to place out of sight <concealed himself behind the door>
- con-ceal-able: adjective
- con-ceal-ing-ly: adverb
- con-ceal-ment: noun
that contains the word’s tense (one item), meaning and usage (many items - use list), and several other forms (many items - use list of structures).
Write a program that allows an indefinite number of such words to be entered into the list, the also allows a user to search for a word. Once found, it should display the complete information regarding the word in a visually pleasing manner. Say, not found otherwise. The program should contain at least four functions: main, menu selection, database entry, and database lookup.
You must use proper structure for menu selection, and loop control when entering list entries or searching for words using methods such as sentinel. Break down the programs in smaller functions.
Which part are you stuck on? Building a structure to hold each dictionary entry or working with a sorted list (or both)?
I almost have this exercise done myself.
I know that we shouldn't post homework problems but this problem is the only homework question i need to do to get an A in my C++ class Please help me out.
And you think you deserve that A when you let others do the homework for you?