What am I doing wrong?

/*Following errors*/
1>C++ Notes and Practice.cpp(37): error C2226: syntax error : unexpected type 'std::string'
1>C++ Notes and Practice.cpp(39): error C2065: 'mystr' : undeclared identifier
1>C++ Notes and Practice.cpp(40): error C2065: 'mystr' : undeclared identifier

cout<<"Hello readers"<<endl;
so I know obviously I have to declare the identifier since i'm using string mystr; but where? I thought the "#include <string>" already declared it? and what is this "std::string"? here is my work...
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
int main(void)
system("color e0");

cout<<"Let's play a quick number guessing game!"<<endl;


int answer;

cout<<"I am thinking of a number between 1 through 25." //Question being asked

if (answer>24) cout<<"High Number, wrong!"<<endl;

else if (answer<22) cout<<"Low Number, wrong!"<<endl;

else cout<<"Correct! The answer is 23!"<<endl;

while (answer != 23); /*Answer to question*/

string mystr;
cout<<"Was that fun or what!, What is your name by the way?"<<endl;
getline (cin, mystr);
cout<<"Nice to meet you "<<mystr<<"."<<endl;
cout<<"My name is Ric"<<endl;

int a, b;
int result;
a = 1990;
b = 2011;
result = a - b;


cout<<"I am "<<result<<" years old."<<endl;

return 0;
Try using the c_str() member function to send the string to the cout. It might be trying to tell you that there is no operator<< that takes a std::string as an argument. the string is in the std name space which is why the compiler is telling you std::string. You typed "using name space std" at the top but that just causes less typing for you. It doesn't change that string is within the std name space.
As a start, in your do while loop the while should go outside of the closing brace not inside as you have it.
Change to

while (answer != 23);

then see if some of the other errors disappear. Code tags would make it easier to read.
Yes it worked, thank you! Alrededor, didn't realize the problem was that simple lol.
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