Help me!!!C++ prime-number

Write a program to analyze a product into prime factors:

Where are given positive integers; are primes which satisfy . Example input/output might be:
Input file:	Output file: fators.out
          6 5 4	                                 2^3*3*5
What's the question?
you enter numbers from a file "in.txt" and then you analyze it to extract the number of elements and output "out.txt" with content:
Example: 20 = 2 ^ 2 * 5
What do you have so far?
I need a code
What do you mean, you need a code?
Do you know any c/c++?
I need a code
Well, this site is full filled with code and it has a Search functionality. Your should be able to finde code according to that subject.
C++ thanks
I need to see now!!!
We aren't a homework service. In order to get help here, you have to show that you've made an honest effort to solve it yourself.
I am a first year student, before I ever learned the word programming language.
I find it very difficult even though I tried
I try do it even has gone several times
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Some people would say that you deserve to fail because you made no attempt on your own. I, however, can't say I quite agree.

Here's a book that's quite famous for teaching not only the C++ language, but how to think in that language:

Go through pages 83 through 140, and then try again. :)

thank Albatross and people!!!!
I try ....I promise!!!

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