How do I pass a delegate to a constructor

I searched for answers to this but can not find enough detail. Be patient, I'm a beginner using Visual C++. I have created a desktop gui program using Visual C++ express 2008. In my Form1 constructor for my ref class Form1, I instantiate an instance of a class called MacroEditor. I want to create a delegate to one of my Form1 methods and pass that in as a parameter to the MacroEditor constructor to be used by macroEditor (the instantiated MacroEditor) as a callback method. Please show me, in great detail, how to create the delegate and pass it to the MacroEditor constructor. The method I want to delegate returns void and has 2 parameters; a String ^ and an int.
Thanks for any help you can provide.
Sorry, that's the wrong forum. This is a C++ forum, not a C++/CLI one.
And in your terms, what is a "delegate" supposed to be? Unless it's a C++/CLI thing, then see above.
Sorry, my mistake. I will post to C++/CLI. Any way to delete this one?
Delegate is a fancy design patterns name for a helper object:

I think it's not intended to be passed, but rather kept as an internal impelementation detail.
No, in Visual C++ a delegate is similar to a function pointer in standard C++. From what I've read about it, it is the technique to use if you want to pass references to methods to other objects. I just can't find enough detail (for a newbie like me) in order to do it.
Ah, I see, thanks.
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