Not directly like that because the callpoint of the function must have at least two parameters on it -- one being an int and the other a B. B has to be known at the callpoint, unless B is polymorphic (in which case you'll need to take a B by reference or pointer).
Alternatives are to make B a boost::variant<> type if you know the set of possible types at compile time and the set is relatively small, or a boost::any otherwise. Though boost::any is icky.
Thanks a lot, I would try to find out what is boost::variant and boost::any
Exactly, the performance of this program is not a big deal
The main purpose of my program is to find out the effect of different combinations
of different strategies, using boost::function to test those different combinations(hundred or thousand)
would be very useful and save me a lot of times
In which case the best way to deal with a variant is via static_visitor and apply_visitor (NOT through boost::get<>, since that reverts back to the above code):
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struct variant_printer : boost::static_visitor<>
explicit variant_printer( std::ostream& os ) : os( os ) {}
template< typename T >
result_type operator()( const T& t ) const
{ os << t << std::endl; }
std::ostream& os;
boost::variant< int, double, std::string > v( "Hello world" );
boost::apply_visitor( variant_printer( std::cout ), v );