Here are the instructions, I just wanted to know if what I have down is correct.
I read the code over and over and it seems correct. I just wanted some input.
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1. Create an array with length n.
2. Mark each item in your array with a marker that indicates that the index is a prime number.
4. Set p to 2.
5. While p is less than the square root of n:
o Change the markers at every pth index to indicate non-primeness.
o Advance p to the next place in the array that is marked as prime.
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void findPrimes(vector<int>& primes, int n) {
int array[n];
int prime = 1;
int p = 2;
for (2 <= sqrt(n); p++;)
array[p] = prime;
for(p <= sqrt(n); p++){
if(p != 0)
for (int q=p; q <= sqrt(n); q+p){
array[q+p] = 0;
I don't understand.
_Do you get the primes below n or below sqrt(n) ? You loop till sqrt(n) but your array is size n.
_if(p != 0) ? how could p be zero?
Due to the condition 2 <= sqrt(n), the first loop is either never executed or repeated forever.
Same for the third loop. q+p doesn't actually do anything, so the loop never advances. The condition is wrong too, you need to go all the way to n.
Instead of an int array, you should use a vector<bool>. That will cut your memory requirements by a factor of 32.
More importantly, you can't have a variable as an array size, it must be a constant expression known at compile-time.