Complete beginner desperately needs to get audio app working!!!

Hi all, First post here at I joined because I'm having trouble getting a uni project app working.

Essentially, it's a batch audio (.wav) normalizer but for now if i could get it to normalize one file it would be useful.
It's currently opening a .wav, copying it to a new folder but it is not processing it properly. It just ouptuts a .wav of the correct length but it is silence (all samples at 0).

If anyone would care to take a look at my source code please let me know (and i could email it you or something as it's too long to post i believe) and give suggestions why it isn't functioning properly it would be most appreciated. I am a complete novice and currently my lecturers are unable to help.


ps. Apologies if I have inadvertently strayed from any of this forum's etiquette policies
What is a "complete beginner" doing working on an audio normalizer?
I know it's way more than i can deal with but nevertheless, I need to get it done. I have no one available at my 'educational establishment' that can help at the moment
bump. any takers? I know I'm asking a lot but is there anyone kind enough to offer any assitance?
I'm not sure how to normalize audio, but I'll take a look at the code.
Read the book c++, how to program.
That's the one i'm fallowing. But it'll takes you months to get good by yourself.
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