Thanks Bazzy
I have discover what is the reason of the error.
I have w_debug into a functions with 'const' sufix.
Now I have a doubt about the functionality of const functions.
Are related with a faster and powerfull program?
(That is to say, the code compiled are better if you write const variables and functions ?)
Can you give me a last help ?
const functions are needed when you have to provide those functions for a const object or reference.
A const object may not be really useful but a const reference is.
When you have a large object, it's good practice to pass it to functions by const reference ( to avoid an expensive copy ), this const reference can only execute const method so you need to properly const-overload your member functions.
struct dummy_vector
int *buffer; // this would be a dynamic array, copying a dummy_vector object means copying the array - expensive
// ... imagine some expensive copy-constructor implemented here ...
int& operator[] ( int i ) // non-const method, can modify the object but can only be called by non-const objects
return buffer[i];
constint& operator[] ( int i ) // const method, cannot modify the object but can be called by const objects
return buffer[i];
void foo ( dummy_vector v ) // dummy_vector passed by value, expensive copy
cout << v[0]; // calls the non-const overload
void bar ( const dummy_vector& v ) // by const reference, no copying
cout << v[0]; // calls the const overload. It accesses the object but you are sure that it cannot be modified
In the code above, foo is much less efficient than bar because of the expensive copy of dummy_vector. bar can only work if dummy_vector is const-correct ( which means that methods that don't modify the object are declared as const )
Of course you can't have only const methods in a class, some of them would modify the object