how to make a menu in a console program???

I need to know how to menke a console program have a menu
laike a win32 proram.
do you have eny ideas?

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Haha I hate to burst your bubble, but you could just as easily learn win32 as create a usable menu for the console.

If you're intent on it, you just need to know simple if()'s
ultifinitus is pretty much right, Win32 is intimidating but overall not that difficult to get the hang of. If not windows then what OS are you writing on? If it's Mac, *nix or whatever there are other libraries avalible to create GUI's with.
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In any CLI, you can just display a list of options and accept input from the user. Make it loop until the user wants to quit. For example:
1) do this
2) do that
3) quit
Your selection: 1
1) do this
2) do that
3) quit
Your selection: 3
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